A Throne of Blood and Ice-Level 3; I’m putting this one in this category because it’s a vampire book, and the MMC struggles with self-control when it comes to biting her neck. There’s also a scene where a guy lays her in bed for half a second, but she immediately makes them get up. No contemporary swear words. Characters occasionally swear using made-up terms (like saying “Fates”). The word “whore” is also used. A Word so Fitly Spoken and A Tune to Make Them Follow: Attempted sexual assault that is thwarted immediately after the perpetrator threatens it. A Tune to Make Them Follow also includes brief suicidal thoughts. A Throne of Blood and Ice is definitely my darkest book. There are no explicit scenes, but there is a statutory rape that occurs off-page. I would also give trigger warnings for miscarriage and brief suicidal thoughts.
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