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Are you a passionate reader of closed door romance novels, where love blossoms amidst the pages without the need for explicit content? Do you find yourself on a perpetual quest for new authors who craft heartwarming stories filled with hope, love, and tender moments? Look no further; you’ve arrived at the perfect destination!
Our website is a sanctuary for lovers of closed door romance, where we’ve meticulously curated a treasure trove of talented authors who specialize in crafting stories that capture the magic of true love without compromising on wholesome values. Whether you’re a devoted fan of historical romances, contemporary love stories, or any sub-genre in between, you’re in for a delightful journey through the pages of our database.
So, come on in, fellow romantic at heart! Let the pages of our database introduce you to a host of closed door romance authors ready to sweep you off your feet and remind you that, in the world of romance, there’s always room for love, kindness, and happily ever afters.
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Over 1000 closed door authors listed and over 650 of them have their ratings such as physical intimacy levels, amount of swearing, triggers and more!
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